Sunday, August 23, 2009
Claremont 真的是個很威的地方...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
CGU is now on iTunes U
iTunes U is a platform on iTunes Store for open education resources.
Everyone who has iTunes software on his(her) computer will be directed to the CGU page in iTunes Store through the link below. .woa/Browse/
Monday, August 17, 2009
首先 這是學校career center 發給 MBA 同學的信
Hi Drucker Students,
In addition to my newsletter this week, I wanted to remind everyone about some upcoming national career fairs:
National Black MBA Conference. Sept. 22
LA Career Forum for Japanese-English Bilinguals Oct. 9
National Society of Hispanic MBA Conference Oct 8
Please note NBMBA and NSHMBA are diversity organizations that are open to all MBAs. If you are interested in attending NSHMBA, please respond to the email. I may be able to get a discount on airfare for students, but I need at least 15 students who are interested in attending this conference.
Paul Hardister
Drucker Office of Career Management
裡面的NSHMBA 天佑, Alex(MBA 2009), 跟我 去年都有參加 (還有一位已經找到工作的強人學姐Janet), 這個career fair 相當大, 參加公司都是很值得去談的公司, 尤其對於新來的同學們, 是一個很好的磨練機會, 也是找intern很大的一個平台, 今年NSHMBA是在十月八到十號, 可惜今年天佑不會一起去了(去鹿特丹找洋妞吧你), 但是Alex和我都已經回覆career center說我們要去, 所以在這邊把資訊post 出來 邀請大家一起參加, 磨練磨練也見見世面, 尤其最近就業市場似乎有比去年此時好一點, 或許有些同學可以在這邊找到工作.
對於非MBA的同學 Alex和我都還是建議大家研究一下 參考一下 因為根據我們去年參加的經驗 career expo的工作職缺通常不會只限制在MBA學生 雖然或許有七八成是business major的職缺 如果有中意的公司 或想要去試試身手 這都還是一個很值得去的career fair
這個連結是註冊的資料 基本上我和Alex會報名 Non-member & Career Expo Only的那個Option
九月八號之前報名的話有不小的discount 所以我們應該會在那之前報名
此外 同樣的那個周末 有另外一個英/日文雙語的 career fair在LA 也就是上面那封信中提到的LA career forum 如果覺得不想跑太遠但那周末有空的同學 也可以去LA Career Forum看看 這個是免費參加的 但同樣這個主辦單位 會在十一月在Boston有一個更大規模Boston Career Forum所以如果要去Boston Career Forum的同學 LA Career Forum的重複性會很高就是了
以上 簡短的跟大家報告 抱歉講得有點亂
總之 請有興趣的同學/學弟妹 和我或Alex聯絡
我們可以一起訂機票飯店 會便宜不少 請大家好好考慮 儘早回覆 方便一起安排
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I hope you all done well and enjoy your summer so far. As the date is approaching, many incoming Taiwanese students have been in Claremont now.
Monday, August 3, 2009
修課經驗分享: Global Strategy & Trade - Oxford Program, Drucker School of Management

Sunday, August 2, 2009