Monday, September 28, 2009

從CGU mail設定自動轉寄信件到自己常用信箱

因為大家很少常態性的用browser收cgu mail而且cgu mail並不能設定使用客戶端軟體收信(ex: outlook), 但是偏偏學校很多正式的公告都是寄到這個信箱, 所以建議對於不習慣常常上去收信的同學們可以使用其轉寄功能.


首先 必須要使用IE登入信箱, 才能夠進行設定, 登入後, 在左側選單列可看到這個畫面

點選 "規則" 進入下一個畫面

在畫面上方選單列點選 "新增", 規則名稱可以隨意取,
在"當" 的區域
收件者欄位 打入你的cgu email address
在"然後" 的區域
選擇"轉寄給" 並打入自己常用的email address


但是這樣的設定, 有些學校寄的群組郵件, 會因為收信者是一個群組而非你的個人email address而不會被轉寄到, 所以還是偶而要查看一下cgu mail, 但相對的, 用這個方法也會過濾掉許多不重要的群組信, 有好有壞, 請斟酌運用

Event: Overcoming Job Market Challenges that International Students Face

這是Drucker School準備的一個講座 本週五(10/2)有一個一個半小時的討論, 並且followed up with a "Work Group Session" on Oct 23rd. 主要因為有移民律師會出現可以回答大家有關工作簽證的問題, 所以建議想在美國找工作的同學可以參加然後把疑問釐清


Jennifer Rosky(Career Transition Coach) & Rebecca Holt(Immigration Attorney)

Friday, Oct 2nd - Burkle 16

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Event: An On-Stage Conversation: Rick Wartzman & Rajiv Dutta

This Thursday—A Centennial Event!

An On-Stage Conversation: Rick Wartzman & Rajiv Dutta

Drucker Institute’s Rick Wartzman will talk with Rajiv Dutta about The Art of the Narrative: the importance of stories in inspiring independent players in an organization to act in a concerted away.

Rajiv Dutta is a Distinguished Drucker Executive-in- Residence. He is former president of eBay Marketplaces, PayPal and Skype and he earned his MBA from the Drucker School in 1982.

Rick Wartzman is the director of the Drucker Institute at CGU. He spent the irst 20 years of his career as a reporter, editor, and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times.

Thursday, September 24 • 7 p.m.

Balch Auditorium, Scripps College 1030 Columbia Avenue • Claremont

FREE! Seating is Limited — RSVP Today!

RSVP to: More Information:

Drucker Career Weekly Newsletter

The following is this week's Drucker Career Weekly Newsletter, which should be in all Drucker students' CGU mailbox. For people looking for job in the States, this newsletter may help.

Drucker Career Weekly Newsletter

Week of September 21, 2009

Events on Campus

CGU and the Five Claremont Colleges

The Art of the Narrative

– Drucker Centennial Event –

On Stage Conversation with

Rick Wartzman

Executive Director of the Drucker Institute


Rajiv Dutta

Drucker Executive-in-Residence and

former President of eBay Marketplaces, PayPal and Skype

Thursday, September 24th – 7pm

Scripps – Balch Auditorium


Finding the Competitive Edge

in this Tough Job Market

Friday, September 25th – 1pm-2:30pm

Drucker – Burkle 12

Workshop led by Jennifer Rosky

Experienced Fortune 500 company recruiter

With Nestle, MaxFactor, ConAgra & more

RSVP by sending an e-mail with the

subject line “RSVP for Competitive Edge”


Drucker Career Management Peer Groups

Session 2: Successful Job/Internship Search Strategies

Finance Peer Group

Wednesday, September 23rd – 10am

CGU – Stauffer 110

Marketing Peer Group

Thursday, September 24th – 11:30am

CGU – Stauffer 110

Information Sessions

Rothstein Kass & Co.

Tuesday, September 22nd – 7pm

Claremont McKenna

Business Attire Required

RSVP via NACElink

6Pacific Partners

Wednesday, September 23rd – 7pm

Claremont McKenna

Business Attire Required

RSVP via NACElink

Asian Business Association

Drucker’s Student Chapter

Thursday, September 24th – 4:30pm

Drucker – Burkle 14


Contact Jolie Liu at

Accounting Night

Thursday, September 24th – 7pm

Claremont McKenna

Business Attire Required

RSVP via NACElink

Southern California Edison

Monday, September 28th – 8pm


Business Attire Required

RSVP via NACElink

**Click here to register for the NACElink system.**

**Once registered, you must then RSVP to the above events.**

Course Offerings

Applied Entrepreneurship:

Creating a New Business and Writing Its Business Plan

Class Begins October 31st

E-mail Professor Molly Schmid at for more information.

Events Off Campus

GE NBC Universal, NSHMBA and ALPFA Evening of Networking

Wednesday, September 23rd – 6pm

Universal Studios Lot

Register TODAY by clicking here!

Taking it Upstream: a green leadership (un) conference

Sunday, September 27th – 7:30am-5pm

Pepperdine University

To learn more, click here!

Employment Opportunities


See Experience eRecruiting for information

on these opportunities and many more!

SAP Business Analyst, Los Angeles Community College District

Director of Procurement, Universal American

Marketing Intern, Executive Envelope & Printing Solutions

**Click here to register to use the Experience eRecruiting tool.**


See NACElink for information

on these opportunities and many more!

Investment Analyst, Prudential Capital Group – ID#917


**Click here to register for the NACElink system.**

Check NACElink and Experience for job opportunities and

information sessions with:

LA INC., Frito Lay, Epson, AT&T, IES Global, Deloitte and T. Rowe Price

Featured Online Resource

OneWire is a Career Management Tool

you can use to manage your career for life.

Unlike old-fashioned job boards, OneWire uses a two-step process

to ensure that you are matched only with those opportunities

that precisely meet your goals and experiences.

OneWire is offering a free webinar to CGU students and alumni.

OneWire Webinar

Wednesday, September 23rd – 10am (EST) & 4pm (EST)

During this webinar, you will learn how to take charge of

your career by effectively positioning yourself on OneWire,

where you are matched only to those opportunities that

suit your precise skills, experiences, and preferences.

Sign up at and take advantage of this unique opportunity!

Tip Jar

Thank You Notes should be sent after a job interview,

after an informational interview and after receiving

advice from classmates, alumni, faculty or staff.

These people are valuable resources and will be more likely to

offer help in the future if they have received a proper thank you.

Having difficulties with NACElink or Experience?

Contact Drucker Career Services at

or stop by the office located on the 2nd floor of the Burkle Building.

Drucker Career Services

Burkle Building, 1021 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, CA 91711

Regular Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm

Paul Hardister, Drucker Career Advisor


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Prof. Jean Lipman-Bluemen's Words to 2009 Graduates

Accidentally, I saw this video today. What she said is critical and insightful, so I'd like to share this video with you all.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Drucker Marketing Club 1st Meeting

Marketing Club is having the 1st meeting in a week.
We are trying to create an environment for everyone in CGU community to talk about and know more about marketing.

The 1st meeting details are following:
Sep. 14th 4:30~5:30 pm at Burkle 19
- Greeting & Self-intro
- Club Events Planning