Tuesday, May 25, 2010

有新生想要買IF Program的書嗎?


我的課本是2008年IF Program用的版本,不知道和今年的一不一樣。如果有人有興趣的話,我就便宜賣啦~~

意者請來信給Mongol: mongol.mongol@gmail.com


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Drucker Marketing Club Event: Marketing Classes Information Exchange Session

Everyone who is interested in hearing some feedbacks of Drucker School classes from 2nd year students should come and join us.

The session will be held on Mar 30 in Burkle 14 starts from 6:30 pm.

The Agenda is:
6:30~7:00 Tian-You Tang:The marketing classes in Rotterdam School of Management
7:00~7:30 Prof. Darroch: Marketing classes in Drucker School
7:30~8:30 2nd year students: Experience with marketing classes

Tuesday, March 2, 2010




車: VW rabbit 2008 black
車況佳 從買到現在都是原廠保養


聯絡方式: shengfu.wang小老鼠cgu.edu

經驗分享 MBA: IF program (International Fellows Program)

昨天看到有Japanese applicant 來參觀學校 不自覺想起2008年5月來到Claremont時的情形
這才發現還沒有寫過有關IF program的事情 而現在或許是最適合寫的時間點

IF program是Drucker MBA program 為了 TOEFL成績不到 IBT 100分的國際學生所提供的語言課 我參加的時間是2008年5月 整個課程分為兩個module, 大致上是六月份一個module, 七月份一個module

課程內容包含聽說讀寫 文法 發音 口說 會話 簡報
主要是為了MBA的國際學生設計 所以課程內容也被設計成以business English為主
就我自己參加的經驗 我覺得這個課程品質相當不錯
老師都很有經驗(Pitzer College的老師) program本身已經存在好幾年 所以每年也都有改善
這邊的老師對國際學生很瞭解也很有興趣 可以幫助台灣學生很快速融入這邊的生活
而不致於整天只待在家裡說中文 尤其 因為參加的還會有其他國家的國際學生 (主要是日本同學)
所以還蠻容易在MBA正式開始前交到一些朋友 對於第一個學期的融入會有很大幫助
缺點: 貴!

雖然有很多其他的附加價值 個人也覺得因為這個program, 已經忘記了的英文有又回來不少
尤其口說部分 多兩個月的練習 真的差別很大
但是 這學費真的很貴 或許是讓人忘之怯步的主因

基本上 我還是推薦這個課程
參加這個program雖然不能保證什麼 但是一定會有幫助
尤其提前兩個月來美國 把所有雜事都先搞定

Thursday, January 14, 2010

RSM Exchange Program-5. Others

1. Here is the comment from another student who came to RSM before. Again, this is only for reference.

I took e-Marketing course from a Canadian prof. It was intense, a 1 week course, 6 hours per day; but if its OK for you, I enjoyed it a lot. Also, negotiation course was OK, it was a bit boring but if you like negotiation, you may take that one. I also took, Supply Chain, International Investment, Future of Advertisement, Consumer Behavior courses. I wouldn't recommend Int. Investment, but all others are good. Consumer Behavior was also enjoyable, and easy.

2. Life in Rotterdam.

RSM will hold an orientation for exchange students. Just remember: BLAAK Market is the best place to buy fruit and vegetable.

3. Commend

I think it was a good opportunity to extend my vision, so I applied for this program. And I DID learn and enjoy it a lot. It was a nice and unique experience to stay in Europe alone for 4 months for me.