Thursday, December 10, 2009

Interesting Stuff-Google Wave

Here is a link about "Google wave." No matter you guys heard about this or not, maybe you can take a look about this, I think it is a kind of cool tool for communication and collaboration.Although, I haven't figure out how to use it to be a useful tools~Orz. Any way, if anyone is interested in "Google wave", I have a lot of invitation letters, just send a E-mail to me, I will give you ~~^^Any questions, just let me know~^^

My E-mail:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RSM Exchange Program-3. Registration

Q: What should I do for my registraiton? How many units can I take?

CGU faculty will help you to go through the registration progress. In my case it is Jeannie. You just need to send Jeannie an email to tell her which courses you will take in RSM. Also you need to tell Jeannie if you want to choose Letter Grade or Pass/Fail Grade when RSM transfer your grade back to CGU.

RSM will ask all students to take 6 elective courses. Each elective course is equal to a 2 units course in CGU. Therefore, you will take 12 units, which is equal to the minimum requriement from CGU. You may take one more elective course in RSM, but you need to ask RSM's faculty and
there's no guarantee for approval.

Q: Should I choose Letter Grading or P/f Grading?

The majority of the students studying abroad choose the p/f grading due to the difference in the grading scale used by our exchange partners. For example, in RSM, professors are asked to give grade based on learning curve distribution. Only top 10% of student can get 4.0, "A" letter grade. Following you can see the detailed info:

Letter Grade / GPA / Tiers
A / 4 / Top 10%
B/ 3.5 / Following 25%
C / 3 /Following 30%
D / 2.5 / Following 25%
E / 2 / Last 10%
F / Failed

You can choose whatever you want and change to another one when you come back to CGU. For example, you can choose letter garde first, then change to p/f grade when you come back. However, you'll need to submit a petition to the Dean of Students to request that the grades be changed to p/f and there's no guarantee that it will be approved.

Q. How would I know which elective courses I can choose and whether those course is good?

Again, You will get an email from RSM with your user credentials for Blackboard and RSM email address. Blackboard is a IT system similar to Sakai in CGU. In blackboard, you can see the information about the courses list, individual syllabus for each course, and the evaluation results for each course from the last year students. You will have full access to those information to help you to choose elective course. It is somethat competitive to choose a "hot" course because RSM uses a "bidding" system for the registration.

(In the next article, I will give my own evaluation for your reference.)

Q. What is the bidding system?

Each student will have 1200 points to do the bidding for 6 courses. You need to allocate those points by yourself. It is all confidential before the end of bidding period. Then in the end of bidding period, people with higher points in the course will be enrolled in that courses automatically. For example, if "A" course only allowa 35 students to take, but there are 50 students putting their points on "A" course, at the end of bidding, the 35 students who put the highest points will get A course.

There are totally two period for bidding, and some specific rules if you want to choose EMBA course. You will get the full information in the email.

Monday, December 7, 2009

RSM Exchange Program-2. Preparation

If you successfully get the chance for RSM exchange program, RSM will send you an email very soon to illustrate what you need to do. In the following I will mention some inportant points in the email ( and my own comments)

You need to send to RSM

1) Copy of passport (can also be digital)
2) 4 passport photos
3) CV
4) your complete filled-in personal information form ( They will provide in the email)


Each exchange participant will be assigned a MBA10 buddy, but personally I think it's useless. My buddy didn't answer any question for me.

If you needs a Visa for entering EU, you will also need to provide:

§ copy of your passport including any relevant pages i.e. containing possible residence permit for the country in which you are currently studying

§ legalized copy of birth certificate (please send an English translation of your birth certificate)

§ proof of financial status, usually copies of bank statements are sufficient to prove that you can support yourself while in The Netherlands

§ proof of medical insurance (if you need to arrange this, you can visit

RSM has a dedicated housing office that assists in finding accommodation for the exchange students. Housing office will provide more detailed informaion. I lived in International house. (I-house)
It's a very comfortable environment. You can see some photos in the following link:

I suggest you can choose the number after 670. So you can go to the terrace easily to enjoy the beautiful view.

I didn't open an bank account here because I think it's too troublesome. I've heard that there is an opening fee plus monthly fee. So I just withdraw money at ATM from my BOA account. But if you want, you can ask RSM staff and they will be happy to help you.

RSM Exchange Program-1. Application

Well~I guess it's time for me to keep my promise of writing articles about the RSM Exchange Program. One thing I have to say in advance: this is only for reference, and all I know is based on my experience in 2009 RSM exchange program. The situation may change, so please get the updated information by yourself. Let's start from the application part.

1. How many choices for exchange program?

So far as I know, CGU/Drucker has different exchange progarms at each year based on how many schools are willing to provide the opportunities. In 2009, there are two schools for MBA exchange program- RSM in Netherlands, and St. Gallen in Switzerland.

2. How can I know the school list and the number of opening?

In my experience, CGU will send an email to the CGU account, in Middle March, to announce the school list and the application process. Usually each school will only accept one or two exchange students. In 2009, three people went to St. Gallen, and one person, which is me, went to RSM.

3. What should I do for the application process?

In the email, CGU asked students who were interesting in those exchanges programs to submit an essay. In that essay you have to explain four things: 1) why do you want to study abroad? 2) Why do you think you are qualified for the exchange program? 3) How will you represent CGU? 4) How will you contribute to the host school?

The questions may be slightly different, but I think that's what you need to answer. Here I have two suggestions for writing the essay. First, involve your CGU experience into your essay. CGU has reviewed your resume when you applied for CGU. So don't say something they already knew, try to put some new stories in your essay. Second, understand the host school and involve its feature in your essay. Let CGU know you are really serious about the exchange program.

4. When will I know the result?

About two weeks after the deadline, you will get an email.

I guess that's all I know about the application process. Hope it's helpful ^^

[分享] 深度專輯--杜拜金融危機




1.杜拜債務危機 金融業者受拖累

杜拜世界(Dubai World)將重組260億美元債務,包含其子公司Nakheel World及Limitless World債務。該企業資產高達750億美元,其中410億美元為Nakheel所有、150億美元為海港所有、200億美元為Isitithmar所有。但這些資產並非流動資產,且海港為重要策略性資產,不會隨意出售,因此杜拜世界將無法隨意變賣資產。而杜拜政府刻意劃清界線也顯示,政府不會如以往資助杜拜世界,杜拜世界償還債務及重整債務將面臨困難。

英國銀行業者,如匯豐銀行(HSBC)、巴克萊(Barclays)及渣打(Standard and Chartered)將受杜拜債務影響最深。這些當初投入數百萬美元進杜拜房地產計畫金融業者,恐將面臨數10億美元資產減計。但要準確預估各銀行投資損失,相當困難,目前數據為阿聯總共投資,而並非杜拜企業整合。除此以外,也無法確認該銀行是否已出售其貸款,分散風險給全球投資者,並將杜拜爛攤留給較小銀行或投資機構收拾。

2.杜拜房地產過度開發 引爆債務危機


自雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)2008年倒閉以來,外來投資減少,使杜拜財政吃緊,資金流動受到嚴重影響。除此以外,房價慘跌,也造成企業債務增加。匯豐銀行(HSBC)預估,金融危機造成杜拜房市總值,至少驟跌50%。


有「新興市場教父」之稱,現坦伯頓資產管理公司(Templeton Asset Management)總裁墨比爾斯(Mark Mobius)日前表示,負債高達590億美元的杜拜國營投資公司杜拜世界(Dubai World)日前向債權人尋求延後償債,引發市場對全球金融業壞帳攀高預期,導致全球股市下挫,多家企業信用違約交換(CDS)大幅攀升。導致全球各地針對新興市場違約的保險成本也迅速攀升。


4.杜拜泡沫衝擊金融股? 高盛:可控制

根據彭博(Bloomberg)報導,包括高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)與瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)在內,日前分別公布報告指出,歐美金融業受到衝擊幅度仍在可控制範圍。根據高盛集團報告,分析師估計匯豐控股(HSBC)與渣打銀行(Standard & Chartered Bank)潛在損失分別為6.11億美元與1.77億美元。最糟情況下,杜拜違約僅衝擊2家銀行股東權益約1%,對獲利衝擊則低於5%,皆屬於可控制範圍。

5.杜拜曝險部位 台灣恐超過陸韓

根據彭博(Bloomberg)所做統計,經訪問大陸、南韓與台灣大型金融機構後,包括中國工商銀行、中國建設銀行、中國銀行與中國交通銀行在內等大陸4家大型銀行,皆否認在杜拜世界(Dubai World)擁有任何曝險部位。 南韓金融主管機關則於稍早透過南韓媒體MoneyToday表示,截至2009年9月南韓金融機構對杜拜世界曝險部位為3,200萬美元。

但根據彭博所提供數據,台灣第一金控在杜拜世界曝險部位為2,500萬美元、新光金控為620萬美元、台新金控為1,500萬美元。再加上國泰金控(Cathay Financial)與華南銀行(HuaNan Financial)曝險部位1,000萬美元與750萬美元。總計光是這5家銀行,在杜拜世界曝險部位就有6,370萬美元,較南韓金融業總額高出1倍。