Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Self Intro: Shengfu Wang.

Hi, This is Shengfu, MBA 2010 candidate in Drucker School.
I like Apple products, I like watching movies, I love to talk with friends, I love great foods, and I like traveling. Now I am staying in CGU dorm, too. Everyone is welcome to come and talk with me!

I suggested everyone to co-host this blog so that we can share information and introduce our school to more prospective students in a more efficient way.

It's very pity that Claremont Graduate University can not be well known in Taiwan. I believe we all like to share and help prospective and new coming students, but we just have no platform to do it. Since blogger is a free and convenient service, let's leverage it.

Please feel free to share everything about CGU and life here. Thank you all for the contribution!







Miula Business Review


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

轉貼文章 - 哈佛的難題:聰明、會考試,卻不會問問題 「怎麼教」比「教什麼」更重要


這篇節錄自天下雜誌 第410期2008年11月的文章雖然提到的是教學方法的問題,但對於一個研究生來說,文中所提到哈佛大學的博雅教育有五個目標卻是我們必須奉為圭臬的方向:






研究"僧"之路漫漫,能不能從Dartmouth搖擺的走出校門,就看能在這兩年的學習過程中,經由這五種指標學習到了多少的知識、經驗、及直覺。小弟我是09年最菜的新生.... 我也期許自己跟各位大大們互相學習。 最後這第一篇,還是很老派的說一聲.... 共勉之....。

By Spencer Ho

Drucker School Professor Jay Prag on 東森新聞

這是Drucker School教財務的教授Jay Prag在東森新聞受訪的影片, 在我們學校算是人氣很旺的老師之一, 教學氣氛相當生動, 打破我對教財務的老師的刻板印象.

這是Drucker School對Jay Prag的介紹網頁 歡迎參閱!

by Shengfu Wang


可是如果來CGU一個你不認識Justin Ku....那你真的就弱掉了!!
想要認識Justin Ku的話,可以跟我聯絡,我會替您引見....觀迎加入CGU!

By Jimmy Lin

Info Sharing: The Annenberg Space for Photography

This is a post of my friend. He is an expert in photography, font, and design.
I am planning to visit The Annenberg Space for Photography.
Here is the article about it in WSJ: Annenberg's New Gallery Space
Please let me know if you are interested in it, too.

Author: Paul Hung

想要知道快門,光圈,相機,王鏡的人士請止步,因為這個組織的重心並非在儀器,但是展示的作品都是用傳統的 C-print。很多都是印在 Fujiflex Supergloss 上面,所以有 Cibachrome 的感覺,很有生命的影像。

The Annenberg Space for Photography 在 3/27/2009 於 Century City 開幕。位於Century Park 的南邊,The Annenberg Space for Photography 是著名的 USC Annenberg School of CommunicationUniversity of Pennsylvania Annenberg School of Communication 背後的 Annenberg 基金會主辦的一個專門為視覺/攝影而設的展示館。

Century Plaza
2000 Avenue of the Stars, #10
Los Angeles, CA 90067
tel: 213.403.3000
fax: 213.403.3100

Wed-Sun: 11am - 6pm

Century Park 的主要建築是 Century Plaza Towers,是由 Minoru Yamasaki 所設計的。一眼望去,可以看到 NYC World Trade Center (WTC) 的影子。沒錯,WTC 也是 Yamasaki 設計的。多年來成為洛杉磯法律等行業的第一選擇。律師的住址要不是 Century Plaza 的話,就無人問津。因為如此,幾年前 Century Plaza Towers 以南的空地加建一棟新的大樓,命名為 2000 Avenue of the Stars。在同一個時段,Century Plaza Towers 的大廳也重新裝修,與新的建築的風格呼應,成為一體。南加州沒有多少代表性的建築,而 Century City 因為離高速公路有一段路,所一一般觀光客不知道這棟大樓在七零年代曾經是最大的立體停車場之一,而且規劃完善,直到今天,還能夠讓擁擠的汽車出入方便。

說到停車,因為這裡是辦公大樓,所以週末毫無人煙。因此平日 8:30—16:30 (M-F) 三個小時 $3.50 (蓋章後的優惠價)的停車費用在 16:30 之後入場,或者週六/日全天的三小時停車費用是 $1.00。

第一梯次的展示已經開始,6/28/2009 截止。這一次的展示可以看到以下駐於洛杉磯的攝影師的作品:

Julius Shulman
Tim Street-Porter
這兩位的作品大家可能都很熟悉。他們的作品多半與建築有關係。Julius Shulman 的處女作與多數的作品是 Richard Neutra 設計的建築,而 Tim Street-Porter 以他的現有光源與 'lived in' 風格,改變了大家對建築攝影的刻板印象。

Douglas Kirklnd
Greg Gorman
Carolyn Cole 在多次的戰地攝影融化了敵人與戰友的界限,也讓她多次得到了 Pulitzer Prize。
Lawrence Ho 在 1992 年的洛杉磯大動亂作品也為他帶來了 Pulitzer Prize.
Kirk McKoy 是洛杉磯時報的資深 Feature Photo Editor,也得了兩次 Pulitzer Prize
Genaro Molina 也是洛杉磯時報的資深攝影記者。

Catherine Opie's 的 "In and Around Home" 將她特殊的親身經驗經過視覺淋漓盡致地表達。

John Baldessari 的社論式的重點(黃/紅/藍) 塗鴉博人一笑。

在這個建築的正中心有兩個面對面的光面,後投射的螢幕。非常高的品質,把多有展示的照片用多媒體的方式呈現在觀眾眼裡。不過也因為如此方式,大家可以親身體會,沖印在 C-print 上面的畫質還是無法被投射式,甚至 Quad-HD (3840 x 2160) 所取代。

每個星期四的晚間 18:30 開始有攝影師的演講與示範,要事先預約。

微軟是贊助這個組織的成員之一,所以裡頭有兩個大螢幕 (42 吋) 的 Surface。不讓我驚訝的,就是工作人員說,那兩個電腦的作業系統承受不了使用者的正常使用,整天當個不停。更妙的是,研究室裡頭有兩部電腦,一部 Windows Vista,一部 Macintosh,可是都用 23" 的 Cinema Display。就算 Cinema Display 的影像品質普普通通,整體上來說,這個空間對設計的風格要求嚴格,所以只有 Cinema Display 通過考驗。對了,那兩個 Surface 的玻璃桌子也設計得非常漂亮。

最重要的,不要看 MapQuest/Google Map。我告訴各位一個捷徑。

I-10, exit at National
Turn west at Manning
Turn north at Motor
Turn east at Pico
Turn north at Avenue of the Stars
Turn east at Constellation

當你出來的時候,千萬別看路標,跑到 Robertson 去(E),或者跑到 Overland (W)。照原路回高速公路。照路標往東走,上 I-10 東向的話,會跑到 Robertson 去,那就毀了。上列的那些路徑會碰上五個 Stop signs,但是路上都是西洛杉磯的正點住宅區。非豪宅,但是非常高雅的住宅區,很養眼。在上下班時間很快的就能夠到達高速公路出入口。這個是電影界與當地居民才知道的路徑。

The Drucker School Named One of the Nation's Top 15 Business Schools by the Princeton Review

The Drucker School Named One of the Nation's Top 15 Business Schools by the Princeton Review

Published on Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Entrepreneur Magazine: Drucker Graduate School of Management Named One of the Nation's Top 15 Business Schools by The Princeton Review

Claremont, California — The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University has been named one of 15 top business schools for General Management in The Princeton Review’s Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools, a recognition that was highlighted in the April 2009 issue of Entrepreneur Magazine.

“We are very honored to be among the top schools named in The Princeton Review’s top business schools list as published in Entrepreneur magazine,” said Ira Jackson, Dean and Professor of Management at The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management. “We have always been committed to teaching our students the importance of effective management and ethical leadership across all sectors of society. To receive this recognition by the prestigious Princeton Review offers external validation of the quality of our faculty and the benefit of the general management education that we deliver. ”

The Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools identifies MBA institutions whose students overwhelmingly agree that it offers extraordinary preparation in six core business areas including: accounting, finance, general management, global management, marketing and operations. Fifteen schools in each category were selected based completely on surveys conducted by The Princeton Review and completed by more than 19,000 MBA students attending the 296 schools profiled in its book, “Best 296 Business Schools: 2009 Edition”. The 80-question survey asked participants to rate their experiences in the classroom and on campus, and how they rate their MBA program in preparing them in all six categories.

“This national recognition from Princeton Review and Entrepreneur Magazine comes on the heels of the recent success that the Drucker School student team achieved in winning the national NetImpact case competition at the LEEDS School of Business in Boulder, Colorado,” added Dean Jackson. “Competing against some 85 other business schools, Drucker bested the teams from the University of North Carolina, Harvard, Stanford and Kellogg, and the team from MIT in the finals, for first place honors, the national title, and the $6,000 prize. The NetImpact award is billed as ‘the premier case format competition built around businesses facing sustainability challenges while succeeding financially.’ These two recent honors underscore the unique quality of our students and our faculty and our approach to management education.”

Drucker remains in impressive company as part of the top schools in the General Management category, and are listed beside other top business schools across the nation including Dartmouth, Harvard and INSEAD. Observed Dean Jackson: “General Management is undeniably the most important single category of an MBA education. This is where students put it all together – finance, marketing, accounting, organizational behavior, strategy, leadership – and where values are taught. This is the essence of a Drucker MBA – approaching management as a liberal art, integrating all the core disciplines in an approach that emphasizes effectiveness, innovation, ethics and responsibility. It is really thrilling for us to receive this honor, which speaks so centrally to our purpose.”

In addition to being featured in the magazine, the lists are also posted on and on

About The Drucker School: With a strong commitment to research, values orientation, and an intimate graduate-only curriculum, The Princeton Review recently ranked the school fifth in the nation in faculty quality. The Drucker School offers a variety of professional and doctoral degrees, including MBA, EMBA, MSFE (jointly with CGU’s School of Math), MA in Arts Management (jointly with CGU’s School of Arts and Humanities), and MA in Politics, Business, and Economics (jointly with CGU’s School of Politics and Economics). Named for both a pioneering thinker (Peter Drucker) and an accomplished doer (Masatoshi Ito), the school produces graduates who have a strong sense of social responsibility and a deep desire to make a difference by doing well while also doing good. This year marks what would have been Peter Drucker’s 100th birthday. The Drucker Centennial is designed to make Drucker’s principles and practices relevant for the future and is being guided by a committee co-chaired by (among others) AG Lafley (Chairman and CEO of Procter and Gamble), CNN commentator David Gergen, author Jim Collins, social entrepreneur Wendy Kopp, and Rev. Rick Warren.


by Shengfu Wang


HaHaHa, 搶頭香

今天是2009年的四月28號凌晨, 王聖輔同學提出了這個部落格的idea,我覺得很好,因為剛好跟我這學期寫的paper很像,還有史班塞大大之前也有提出過雖然我們兩個學電腦的一直沒有動靜~><~要介紹CGU的話~~首推~一定要住宿舍歐,今天是落成的第一年,我來這裡認識了很多有趣的人,哈哈宿舍附近出foothill左轉,有一個plaza,裡面有一天冰店很好吃歐叫"Fruizen",而且有免費的優格,只要你有coupon,Drucker有很多可以拿歐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~哈哈哈哈哈,裡面的珍珠奶茶也不錯,我們今年I-festival 有賣歐~~推推推,~~~對了都忘記自我介紹,我叫唐國倫,念的是IS=Information system, "丟是電腦啦~",我也會變魔術~有興趣的人可以交流哈哈哈


by Billcandy